Sunday, January 02, 2011

Starting My 365 Project with Happiness

Here we go! 365 photos begin again. I am a little more enthused about this year's project than I expected. 

I like when my photo of the day project happens naturally, just taking photos as life unfolds and somewhere in that batch finding one that just resonates. After our New Year's Day photo walk yesterday, I found that one photo. How can you not smile?

I love the ear slightly folded and dad in the background. Every time I tried to recompose the shot, he'd move to be in the center of the frame. It seems he's looked into the lens a few times!

What did you start your 365 project with?


Unknown said...

Very cute Happy it is!

Tammy Robbins said...

Sweet! I started mine yesterday. I even set up a new blog for my project!

rebecca said...

sooo cute! :) love it that you're joining in the simple things challenge! can't wait to see more of your photos. have a great week!

Linda said...

I'm so glad that you blog your photos, love your boy's expression!

Joey said...

Love this photo! My first photo was taken at 12:01am on New Years Day. The whole family was snuggled in our bed to bring in the new year!

Lisa Smiley said...

I started with a pic of my youngest sleeping in till 12:05 pm!

lewmew said...

I am going to try again to do this year - I tried last year and ran out of steam in mid-March. To make it a bit easier, I am doing the following: 1) I've subscribed to your blog, Moody Monday and am looking for others; and 2) I googled and came up with a list of photo prompts. I made them into little slips of paper that I've stuck into a bag - if I'm stuck, I'll pull one out and use that for my inspiration. So far, I have done organization and what makes you happy. Tomorrow - we'll see Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...


Deb said...

I started mine with a photo of my daughter ringing in the New Year, although I didn't officially decide to do this until today. What to do about 1/2/11 that I skipped?

Natalie Pozniak said...

I have also started on my 365 Project. Last year I tried and gave up so this year I am hoping that I can finish and complete the project. My first photo was from New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Here are is a link to mine:

Natalie said...

That is certainly a photo that will make you smile and the subtle processing is just beautiful!!

Jan said...

He's such a cutie :)


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