Mom and I took a day off today. We skipped right over my nap -- woohoo -- so that we could play together. We started out at that coffee place she likes so much and shared a scone...ymmmm. We walked to the park right by my daycare. I know all of my friends there were sleeping AND missing their moms.
Mom let me play on a new bench that she told me was for Tony and Rich. They didn't die, just helped a lot of people run 26.2 miles. (I'm not really certain how far that said something about 26 times around the park, but I won't usually let her go more than 2 times around) Rich is the guy who always tells me how cute I am. I kind of like him. I'm sure glad they let me share their bench.
I fed the ducks cheerios, and well, I ate some myself. I talked to some other kids my size. Mom pushed me in the swing, but I'm really not such a fan of swinging. I'd rather just watch the other kids. We went down the slide together and watched the squirrels on the walk home. What a good day! I think I'm sleepy now... I hope mom and I take tomorrow off too.
What a fun day, the bench is really cool.glad you shared the cheerios with the ducks, know they liked them also.
The swings will be lots of fun later. but it is ok now to not be a fan..
love U hope you and mom get to take the off tomarrow too.
Hi Ian,
You don't know me, yet, but I just have to tell you how much I've enjoyed reading about you and seeing how much you've grown. Maybe someday we can get together and I will tell you some stories about your Mommy. Your Mumzy shared your blog with me and I thank her for that. At least I finally got to know just what a blog is!!!
Give my love to your Mommy and Daddy and a big hug and kiss to you.
"Auntie Rosie"
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