Saturday, September 15, 2007

Christmas Thoughts

It has been a crazy couple of weeks filled with....sleep! 8 hours of sleep! Every night! For the last week! Unbelievable. I have so much energy I don't know what to do with it.

Ian amazes me again! He is now almost 3 weeks bottle free and doesn't even ask for it anymore. Naps and bedtime are back to normal. And yes, the best gift is he's completely sleeping through the his own bed! (in fact he's there right now!) You'd think my house would be clean and my laundry done!

Pacific Grove last weekend was excellent! It was a beautiful day to share with so many people. Shea and I completed our races (a little slowly) and then went to Big Kahuna 1/2 Ironman on Sunday to watch my brother. I'm so inspired by his talent and dedication even if he is a gassy smart aleck! I cried went he crossed the finish line (but he'd say I cry at everything!) Pictures to come...after I sort through 3ooo of them!

And then to Christmas...

All of this sleep has me planning!

So I'm working on lists so there will be no family complaints that I didn't do them! So watch for an ever changing post that I'll update with wants needs and pure fantasy!

1 comment:

Night Man said...

They don't call you Boo-Boo Eyes for nothing! ;)


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