Saturday, September 22, 2007

No photos...

I haven't picked my camera up in two weeks...unbelievable! (well I did pick it up to vacuum under the bag today but that hardly counts)

Just a few things from the last 2 weeks that need to be remembered though!

Shea went to get Ian out of bed one morning and I heard from his room, "I found you Daddy."

Sometime in the last two weeks Ian has discovered both the words I and you...and is using them correctly! Amazing!

Without prodding he looked at me and said "thank you momma"

Everytime he gets a little frustrated or mad lately he throws whatever he has in his hands down and says (so innocently) "I dropped it" ....right

This morning (Saturday) he looked at us and said "School!" When we told him he wasn't going to go to school today he sat on the ground and cried. Of course yesterday when we took him to "school" he sat on the ground and cried!

Ahhh 2


Michelle Filo said...

LOL that was a pleasure to read through, and reminded me I have been doing a terrible job keeping track of all the funny/nice things my little ones are doing/learning!!! The school remark is also oh so true in this household :)
Hope you are having a great Sunday!

Anonymous said...

hummmm, the school thing sounds like
growing up way to fast
love you
beautiful sunday here..


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