Thursday, August 24, 2006

Warning: Mom Hijacked My Blog!

She has done it again...sometimes I have to let her ramble.

So I’m awake at 4:30AM this morning…no reason. I guess Ian is sleeping too well, so what could I possibly need more than 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep for? I’m laying in bed questioning having put my child in daycare a few days a week – feeling badly, wondering if he is really being fed or if that is just what she’s telling me, thinking maybe this perfectly nice background checked friend recommended woman is in some way harming my precious one. It’s much too early to call Yvonne to ask if she went through her own personal moment of insanity after putting Annika in said daycare so I must do the next best thing, email her!

I open my email to discover I’ve received my latest Powell’s Newsletter (only the single best bookstore on the face of the planet)! Reading through it I discover a cute little link to this book titled “Mommies Who Drink”. Okay, I’ll admit that it wasn’t the title that got me but rather the author’s description of having appeared on Six Feet Under. Immediately I was compelled to figure out who she was and did I see that episode. (As you wonder, no I still don’t own a TV and have no plans to, but have found myself addicted to Six Feet Under, the Soprano’s, and of course Lost thanks to Netflix.)

I found myself even more intrigued when I discovered that an anthology including a story by the author was banned in Ashland, Oregon because of said story! Yeah banned books!!

Further perusing random links about aforementioned (thank you sarah n for adding that to my vocab) book and I discover Brainchild: The Magazine for Thinking Mothers. It made me maybe I need more sleep. Or a drink...

1 comment:

Night Man said...

You should've called me...lately, I'd be totally down for a drink, er, healthy and hearty breakfast at 4:30 am.


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