Ian's shirt made us all LOL!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
POTD 022808
Look what I found in the produce section today!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
POTD 022608
How did he possibly grow so quickly? How is it that he looks more like a boy and less like a baby?
Monday, February 25, 2008
POTD One of The Herd
One of Ian's many dinosaurs. This one was from his Mumzy.
About A Boy's Mom
My sheets don't coordinate with the duvet that covers them. My child's bed has sheets that covered my bed that also happen to fit his. My house is a mismatch of furniture purchased here and there over time when I was in a not so frugal mood, but not so wild as to buy sets of anything (other than the dining room, which happened in a week pregnant moment) My walls are all the same ugly color of off white. There are about 2 pieces of art and 6 photos hanging in the entire house. My desk is a cluttered mess. My "office" (aka breakfest nook) frightens even me. and I haven't "worked" in it in months opting for my space in the living room instead.
There are typically goldfish under the couch and in every available nook and cranny in the car. There are more toys and books in my living room than anything that might be called home decor. I wear black, red, or black...and usually just the same 5 things interchangeabley since I don't see the same people more than once or twice a month. (except of course my neighbors, but they've seen the inside of my home, so my dress should come as no surprise).
I don't buy paper towels. Or paper napkins. Or well, much of anything that can't be ordered via Amazon.com prime and lately thru subscribe and save. I haven't been to "the mall" in almost 2 years or to Target for almost 2 months and don't even get me started on the W place. I take my own bags everywhere and if I forget I just carry what I buy in my hands. People think I'm weird.
So...what does this all matter?
I've been dabbling in the world of scrapbooking for a while. And if you run with the stereotypes of that world, well, I just don't really fit. Except I'm a crazy mom who wants to grab every possible moment with Ian and write it down so that somehow I'm preserving that little guy who has changed my world in more ways than I could ever imagine. I want to remember today when he said, "big boy underwears pants" and then proceeded to announce that he was "stinky" in those bbup's. I want to recall the smell of his little head after a bath and the look in his eye when he spies me across the room at "school" at the end of the day. It is an obsession. It feels like if I don't capture it at this moment, somehow some little portion of him will disappear.
So...that dabbling grew to an entirely new level when I discovered the online world of digital scrapbooking at www.designerdigitals. That grew into a community of people, a community of friends, a very safe place. We've chatted, shared ideas, thoughts, and the moments of our worlds that we are all working so hard to preserve. Then (probably because I bugged them so much with all of my posts, they couldn't stand it) I was selected to be part of their Creative Team. I'm still just in a little shock over that one! Now, not only am I obsessed, but now I've agreed to scrap for them! Then add to that I thought I'd try a little magazine submission just for kicks! And well...seems Simple Scrapbooks and Digital Scrapbooking Magazine both liked a little of my work! And they're paying me for it! Crazy!!
So that brings me to the point of this very very long post! I got an email from the VERY talented Debbie Hodge and she asked me to design for her Scrap Yourself class at NYCScraps. Wow! Stunned again!
And my sheets don't even match my duvet!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
2.5 YOL Perspective
Ian and Shea are watching Ice Age. They reach the part where the baby and dad reunite.
Shea says, "he found his dad."
Ian says, "where's his car?"
Ahh the perspective of a 2.5 year old!
Friday, February 22, 2008
This photo is not really about Ian...but in a way it is. Before Shea and I were married we would ride our bikes here and have a coffee on Fridays afterwork. That was 12 years ago. Since then we've taken family and friends and Ian. It wasn't a great place. The service was bad. The food was okay. The coffee was okay. But so many memories connected to it. I remember watching tourists walk by with Shea. Drinking tea there with my Aunt and my Mom. I recall spending time there with my inlaws when Ian was just tiny. And so many great talks with Shea about our future.
And today I discovered it has closed. So sad.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Yummy - POTD 2
He's such a nut! He would live on ice cream sandwiches alone if we let him! He willingly stood in our "light spot" and let me take this, then insisted he "see Ian."
This might also be his cat imitation as he's decided he is now a cat. He crawls around, purrs, meows, and was caught today eating out of his bowl just like a cat would...
We don't even have a cat!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Day 1 -- Photo A Day

Sunday, February 17, 2008
qotd 2-16 and a layout!
spoken at the birthday party we went to today, the birthday party we went to last weekend, and certain to be heard again at next weekend's birthday party. yes not only does ian want his cake...but we've entered birthday season!
and a layout
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
QOTD 2-13-08
In response to:
"Come to dinner Ian"..."no momma, I good"
"Want to walk like a big boy Ian?"..."no I good, you carry me"
"Ready to get out of the bath?"..."no I good"
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
QOTD 2-12-08
his greeting this week (even to daddy sometimes)
"i got you momma"
his invitation to chase him throughout the house, usually with tickles
"park go nigh nigh"
After realizing that it had taken us so long to get to the park after running into at least 3 people we knew that we were not actually going to play at the park. He said about 50 funnier things today, but I'm tired and can't remember them now...
Monday, February 11, 2008
QOTD 2-11-08
At the zoo today because of course the zebra must be hungry!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
QotD 2-10-08
(as we arrived at Southside Park early this morning)
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Friends and Fun
This has been a really good week! It was one of those weeks filled with activities, but not so many that you are left feeling like you need a break from it all! Just the right balance!
Ian and I went to Lisa Phenix's music class on Wednesday. He as in rare form, singing, dancing, greeting everyone! He got so excited when Addy arrived announcing to everyone, "look Addy's here!"
After music we went to the park with all of the kiddos. So glad to have sun and a little warmer weather this week! LOVE this photo! (and yes I'm emailing it to you right now Charleen)
Credits here
Birthday party for Fin today! Ian's phrase of the day, "where's my birthday cake?" He understood the birthday part but was just a tad confused about whose party it really was!
Now just quiet here...love that time of day :) Oh...starting tomorrow I'm only blogging Ian phrases...so check back for all of the crazy funny things that come out of the mouth of a 2.5 year old! (and a few photos too)
Friday, February 08, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
Rock Out!

While the rest of America was watching the Superbowl, Shea Ian and I were rockin' out with Dan Zanes! What a great time! A little overwhelming for Ian with all of the people, but after a few songs he warmed up to what it was all about! He danced, sang, clapped and had a great time!
He even jumped up and down on my lap to the song "jump up" and when it was done threw his hands up in the air and yelled "wooohoo!" What a great first concert experience.
I didn't take my camera because of their "no camera" thing at the Mondavi Center so only have blurry photos from my new phone. There were so many flashes going...I wish I'd brought my real camera...but I still have the memories. The red jacket is Dan, the black blob on the right is me and you can just see Ian's head to the right of mine! Well...now that I look again, I don't think you can see Ian at all. But he really was there! Good times!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
The 5 cupcakes were mini cupcakes...
So I'm really not a bad sister or mom...right??!!
Friday, February 01, 2008
Just when I was frustrated that there was NO LIGHT for good photos...the sun came out! And so did Ian's tongue. After eating about 5 cupcakes!

Have a good weekend. I'll be better next week!
And Michelle...
The Wow photos were me flying into IronForge (woohooo you) and right before the exit of DeadMines!