Friday, January 30, 2009
A Tough Week

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friends, Friday, and Weekends

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I’m overwhelmed with emotion. Knowing Ian’s world has changed. Possibilities. Hope where there has been little. Work to do, difficult work, now with compassion and caring. Today I'm proud to be American again. Today I can see our founding principles. Today I have hope.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Happiest Place On Earth
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Can I Hug Her?
Ian is obsessed with hugs lately! I'm loving the stage since just a few weeks ago he refused. This little sweetie came for a visit today and Ian hugged her about 10 times. It was adorable! Of course Zoe would stop and pose for the camera but Ian was EVERYWHERE!
On another note...
My bags are packed and I'm headed out of town early tomorrow AM! A 4 day weekend with an amazing group of women with no children! Just us taking photos and running around the Happiest Place on Earth (well, the 2nd Happiest, since we all know the original is in Anaheim!)
See you when I return! (with lots of photos to prove it!)
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Thick Brick Stout
Fresh from the closet -- Thick Brick Stout! Shea's latest home brew! Yum! Tastes as close to a Guinness as anything I've ever had, minus a bit of the creamy goodness!
It is the best he's made so far, but I fear since I'm leaving for 4 days that when I return there will be none left!
Monday, January 05, 2009
POTD 010509
So Ian is a small guy. He always has been. He was always at about .05% for his weight, but he was consistent and nothing else was wrong with him! Today I was preparing for all three of us to go to school tomorrow which meant getting a backup set of clothes ready for Ian. I found some old jeans that he wears often but look worn that would work perfectly for his cubby back up pants. I was writing his name in them (notice the K, he's not the only Ian in his class!) when I realized they were 18 month pants! A year and a half?! LOL. And, they are still cinched kind of tight with the little expando-matic thingy! Crazy!
In other news,
He looked at me today and said, "momma, I want to be an alientologist."
And of course, I said, you can be anything you want to be little man!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
POTD 010409
I put decorations away today...Ian has asked over and over if Christmas is over now. He is a little disappointed but perks up when we mention Valentine's Day!
He was a harmonica playing crazy kiddo at the Farmer's Market today. He loves Shea's harmonica.
And my highlight? Brussel Sprouts! Yummm! I bought 10 of them than I am going to cook and share with NO ONE! (of course, no one else in my house will eat them so it doesn't really matter anyway).
And Amanda, if you'd like to read what the book says, try here or just come to my house and see the printed version in a couple of weeks!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
POTD 010309
Today was a gorgeous day! We got the cruisers out, bundled up and headed out for a bike ride. Destination today - Capitol. When we arrived we let him loose! I think a few days of being cooped up in the house had gotten to him because he ran like a wild man! Up the steps, down the steps, around the columns, over the grass, to the fish, around the firefighters, up the tree, down the tree, after the squirrel. He was nonstop action except for the 3 minutes he asked to eat snacks on the steps.
On the way home we stopped for a little warm up beverage at Street's of London -- yep took my three year old to a pub! He loved it. Fries for him and Guinness for mom and dad. Just about perfect!
Mel, I'll get that recipe for you :) Maybe hand deliver it?!
Friday, January 02, 2009
I'm Hugging You Momma
Thursday, January 01, 2009
POTD 010109
Happy New Year's Day! We celebrated a little today!