Thursday, February 26, 2009
Reasons To Be Happy...and reasons to be sad

Monday, February 23, 2009
This Is So Important
Dear Friend of Loaves & Fishes,
Watch the Oprah Show at 4 PM this Wednesday, February 25! It’s about the recession and homelessness and was filmed at Loaves & Fishes, Sacramento homeless shelters and Sacramento’s Tent City. They also filmed in other cities to show this is a national problem.
Please pass the word by forwarding this on to your e-mail groups, colleagues and friends.
The Oprah Winfrey Show asked Loaves & Fishes if they could interview one of the homeless mothers at Maryhouse. Favor Whitesides, a very devoted mother of three bright and beautiful children, agreed to share her story. Oprah Correspondent Lisa Ling, Sister Libby and I also visited the large tent city in Sacramento with over 100 tents spread out over several acres as far as the eye can see. Over 200 people live there in a scene straight out of the Great Depression. When I asked the film crew if they had seen anything like it anywhere else, the sound man replied, “Only in a war zone.”
The show airs this Wednesday, Feb. 25. In Sacramento it will be shown at 4PM on Channel 3 KCRA and again at 9 PM on Channel 58 KQCA. Showing times in other cities vary. A link to info on Oprah’s website is below:
Tent Cities in America: A Lisa Ling Special Report
Correspondent Lisa Ling brings us the new faces of the recession. The desperate search for work, a hot meal, a place to sleep. Meet families who are struggling every day to get by.
The spiraling economy and the foreclosure crisis are causing an increasing number of middle-class Americans to suffer. On today's show, Lisa Ling investigates the emergence of tent cities—makeshift temporary shelters set up by people who simply have nowhere else to go. Our cameras follow a family that went from living in a condo and driving a Lincoln Navigator a year ago to sleeping in homeless shelters and carrying all their possessions in garbage bags. Then, hear from a woman who was making $70,000 a year and is facing eviction. Get an inside look at how more and more families are struggling every day just to get by.
We believe, in the words of Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, that sunshine is the best disinfectant. We hope that those who see this show and its sad and shocking depiction of the pain of homelessness will be motivated to both seek solutions and to help the families and individuals who are homeless now. We will have a special page set up on Loaves & Fishes website by Wednesday for those who wish to help: www.sacloaves.org
Joan Burke
Director of Advocacy
Loaves & Fishes
P O Box 2161
Sacramento, CA 96812
(916) 446-0874
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Little Things That Give Me Big Hope for Humanity
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Today My Heart Is Breaking
Monday, February 16, 2009
Want to Make Your Photos Even Better?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
POTD 021409
It was an on again off again chance we were going to make it to watch the Tour of California today. Ian has been battling a cold for a week and Shea wasn't feeling well either.
I left them napping and joined Justin to watch. So glad I made it out! I had a blast taking photos in the near perfect overcast light.
About 45 minutes before it was over Shea showed up with Ian. Fun to watch it together! Ian cheered as each rider went by, but I think he was a little more impressed with the motorcycles behind each bike!
Any guesses who this guy is?? Click on the photo to see the non cut off version!
Monday, February 09, 2009
Embracing My Frugality
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Words To Live By

— Jill Churchill
Today I'm a good mom. I hung out with him at school for a bit. I played dinosaurs with him. And tonight we're baking cookies together. That leaves 999,997 more ways!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Myra of the Mix Tape Monday
Monday, February 02, 2009
Make Me Those Cookies!
Cookies seem to be a theme in our house this week! Today Ian and I made Vegan Sugar Cookies that were yummy! He loves cutting them out and runs into the kitchen over and over to check them. Today was pink frosting and no sprinkles. And the photo? He's doing his best job of hiding his face, his latest photo trick with me. Hold anything he can up and ask for a photo with it strategically placed in front of him. I guess I really did want a photo of those dirty fingernails! Makes me wonder how big his impish smile is behind that heart!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Quiet Weekend?