Monday, July 28, 2008


Dear Ian,

I had to stay up until 1103 PM tonight because that is the exact moment you joined us! It is a moment that you changed my life in more ways than I can count. At that precise moment I witnessed a miracle I'm unable to compare to anything else in my life.

In the last year you have changed so much growing from a toddler to a boy! I love that I can have a conversation with you that really shows me how your little mind is developing. You display such empathy and not only try to please me but cheer me up when I'm sad.

You have your moments. Those moments that test my patience and make me wonder how I will ever make it through the teen age years. I am reminded that every day you are becoming more of an independent person testing the boundaries of your world. Funny how you always seem to balance the tough moments with sweet thoughtful ones filled with phrases like, "I need you" and "I love you so much Mom."

Our days together seem so full of activity and discovery now, it is becoming more and more difficult to remember what you were like last month, last year and even last week sometimes! I hope I never forget that precious twinkle in your eye when you are being silly or those moments that you reach your hand out to touch my face when you are napping. And of course, I hope I also remember the moments of you shouting, "I don't like those choices" or " I don't want to" or my new favorite "it's here time, not bath time."

When you arrived in this world I felt an overwhelming sense of your purpose. Something you needed to accomplish. Something you were here to do. I never guessed the changes you would make would be in me! You've made me love someone more than I ever imagined possible. You've connected me to my sisters, my mom, and all the moms I know in a way I did not know.

Quite simply, you've made me a better person. I hope I can continue to help make you one too.

I love you little man.


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful, made me have tears..
Ian I am so happy you are in our family Love you

Michelle Filo said...

so heartfelt!!! memories to trasure (and I wish I could write like you hehehe)


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