I started this blog to document Ian's life. And then I let other things take over and post un-Ian related posts. Those posts are certain to foster an email from my mom who says, "what about my grandson? I haven't seen his photos in days..."
So this is for my mom :) Finally, a little about a boy.
He was so excited to travel to Seattle! We counted down sleeps and FINALLY he was able to "blast off" to the great Pacific North West.
He was absolutely OBSESSED with the Safety Information Card. Literally 30 minutes spent examining it.
We arrived in Seattle in the morning and after saying hello to Aunt E , Cousin K and meeting "my new baby cousin L" we were on our first adventure. Aunt E is not one to waste any time! We headed out for the
Ballard Locks where Ian instantly found leaves to hide behind. He's not very cooperative lately!
It was cold but not rainy which made for good fun exploring the waves,

viewing the one fish in the ladder,
and watching the locks and bridge work.
Home for the evening and then off to class for me for the next two days. While I was in class I've heard there was all sorts of merriment being had, pizza being eaten, football games watched, aquarium viewing, library exploring and some rain. Sunday night they picked me up. We had a quiet evening with Aunt E and Uncle A before an early night.
Monday, our last day in Seattle we headed out to the
Children's Museum. Our friend
Charleen had said good things about it, so I really wanted to see it. Oh, I should probably mention that was after the one handed photo shoot I tried to conduct alone with a 5 month old little girl. I tried to sneak it in while her mom was in the shower. I really should have asked for help. Not easy to pose, focus, and watch that she doesn't tumble! Can't show you the photos though, it will spoil the Christmas gift :)
The Children's Museum was great. Dark and bad for photos. But great. Ian loved it!
The journey through the digestive track, ending in poop.
The jumping.
The obstacle course

The mini Taco Time and "mini" market
and of course the construction site where he referred to himself as Bob and did a lot of supervising his staff!
And then we saw this photo in the market. I have NO DOUBT that is Leo!!
Then it was off to the airport for out flight home. Not nearly as exciting for him as the trip there. In fact, he proclaimed to the entire plane on more than one occasion, "we are not moving." Hard to explain speed to a little guy who could only see clouds out of his window! I'm sure it was much more comforting to those around us compared to his asking, "when do we use the parachutes?" on our first leg of the trip!
And there you have it. That's what we did on our weekend in Seattle! Love you Mom! And thanks for reminding who this blog is really about!