Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Procrastination Changed My 365 Project

I took a photo everyday in 2010, as I did in 2009.

I didn't keep up with getting them into a photo book though. I got behind. Some days I didn't select my photo of the day, keyword it, and upload it to flickr. Ok. There were several weeks when I didn't do that. I took pictures, put them in folders by date, knew they were there. That was it.

I'm determined to get my 2010 book completed by the end of the month. I'm compelled by a free coupon that expires that day and by seeing how amazing it is as they come together.

My procrastination paid off though. Had I selected my POTD last year this photo would be the selection.

A salad. It was an incredible salad. After a day in the hospital for my mom's knee replacement surgery it was a nice quiet moment with my sister. A great memory. But yesterday as I was putting I found this photo. Taken with my phone.

My dad. He loves to read. He didn't always. I don't remember him reading much when I was a kid, but now it is a daily ritual for him. He drives to work early to read before he starts work. He's never been in my 365 as he's not a photo fan. But I got this. Doing what he does, knowing he sat in the room with my mom as she rested post surgery.

Is there anything or anyone missing from your 365? I'm glad I found mine. Procrastination paid off.


stamphappy2001 said...

Absolutely love this photo. what a precious memory to have captured.

Carol E said...

What a wonderful photo of your dad. Don't you love it when procrastination pays off!

Kathleen said...

Since I just started my own 365, I can't address the question ... but I am going through all my digital files. I have not been good at cleaning the files. I got too aggressive with the delete button. :0( Took some photos over the weekend. Did not think I would ever want the ones that I thought were yucky. Then, yesterday, I went to retrieve one and realized it was long gone .... off my card and off the drive (as I had even emptied the recycle bin!)


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