class starts tomorrow and it's not too late to register!
and Pam's super creative winning photo

I feel like I'm carrying on a family tradition! I spent an hour on the phone with mom talking about how to can. Two hours on the internet sorting through conflicting information before I finally just said, what the heck.
In the winter I'll be able to tell you how it tastes and, well, if I give my family food poisoning!
Last summer we went to the farmer's market almost every Sunday. We have only been twice this summer simply because we don't need to go. I'm loving growing everything in our own backyard. I love that if I want a tomato I walk outside and pick a tomato. I love snacking directly from the vine.
Last night I told Shea I wanted to go to get mushrooms and avocados, the two things not in my backyard! (although I'm trying to figure out how we could change that!) I told him I wanted to go early which for him translates to, "she's taking the camera." Little did he know I had a completely different reason for going. I wanted to compare prices. I wanted to walk around and get a sense of just how much it would cost to buy what we've been eating.
I got so excited after seeing that my long beans looked better than the market's AND that the eggplant that is multiplying DAILY was $2.50 a pound, I forgot to check other prices! It was fun to compare the size of my green beans and tomatoes and zucchini to those being sold. I loved being reminded of things to plant next year. (okay, I really loved knowing eggplant was $2.50 a pound...eggplant that I've been giving away!)
The best part? I know I cooked at least $8.00 worth of long beans just last week and I've been eating them for about 3 weeks with several weeks to go still!
I have so many things to show you! Photos of my girls' weekend in San Antonio, Ian's fun encounter with Fire Engine 14, the bountiful harvest from my garden today. Funny thing is after 4 days away from the boys I just want to enjoy my time with them and haven't spent much time on the computer! I have photos to edit, posts to write, and a house to clean! I spent 4 hours in the garden this morning just harvesting everything! So a photo from today with the intent to share the last week soon.