and he can't read the books, he'll be a bit confused.
We took Ian to an event at the library tonight with the author of
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
. He loved meeting the mouse and the pig at the door. And then things just went badly from there. A million people in line for
her new book
. Lots of people milling around. Utter confusion by a four year old little boy who loves the library and didn't understand we were going to listen to her read the book. I'd explained to him, but I think he stopped listening after library.
We were there about 10 minutes. Shortest library trip ever. I did get a fun happy shot before the tears began.
That little blur you see? Not shutter speed, but photographer's lack of slowing down long enough to hold the camera steady.
What a cute story...although a tad sad, tho, tears and all. I'm also a bit jealous you get to take pix in your library ;)
It is the truth that some shots aren't planned and are done on the run. Beautiful Miss K!
What a fun evening, too bad it didn't work out as planned. I don't see the blur and I love the stamp!
What a cute picture, that was a very short trip for you,
Love U
OMGosh I love those books and that is the cutest pic ever!!! I hope this helps him remember the good part of the trip. :O)
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