Friday, March 12, 2010

Photo Quiz Answers and Winners

In last week's quiz you took a guess at my camera's aperture, ISO, and shutter speed. My photo gave you a clue about the aperture. I shot at f/8. Not wide open, not closed down. You can see the difference with the two extremes. Literally, look at the hole in my camera's lens.  F/22 lets in less light, gives you more detail in focus with a greater depth of field. F/1.4 gives you more light at the cost of less in focus with a shallow depth of field.

The photo and it's settings
50mm | ISO 800 | f/8 | ss 1/100

The shutter speed was fast enough to stop any movement. Aperture wide enough to get most of me in focus and the ISO soaks up enough light with the flash adding a little extra boost.

Shirley and Claudett both guessed f/8 correctly! Email me so I can provide your prize! (katrina dot kennedy at gmail dot com)

Many of you guessed right for this photo (or have really good memories!)

I did take this with my iPhone! It was taken almost two years ago so the subject was SHORT and you can see his cousin is crouching some to get in the shot. I stood up and shot down on them, no chair, ladder or other trick. The afternoon sun was low and behind them and we were under the shade of a tree.  I used the Noiseware Professional plugin from Imagenomic to reduce the noise. I'm still searching for the original photo, but my guess is there wasn't much to begin with. I don't recall, but it looks like I may have dodged their eyes a bit too much too! (Oh, what we learn in two years.)

Using the winner is Esther_A! You win a spot for you or a friend in The Very Basics: How To Use Your Camera. Email me so I can get you set up with a class registration!

Thanks for playing!


Claudia said...

I have try to send you mail at the address "", but I only get a message back who says "notification failure".
What is the correct address?

Katrina Kennedy said...

Claudett, sorry about that! I completely left out part of my email. Oops!

katrina dot kennedy at gmail dot com

My apologies!


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