I'm shaking things up for this week's Behind The Lens. This week I'm featuring someone you might know, myself. I realized I had never answered the questions myself, and thought I'd give them a shot!
I love the challenge photography provides. I love thinking through all of the possible settings and angles to create an image. I love working to see if I can capture something as I see it and likewise, working to capture something in a completely different way than it presents itself. And, of course, I love recording the moments of my son's life.
50mm | ISO 800 | f/2.0 | ss 1/800
I started shooting a photo a day in February 2008. I shot mostly in Aperture Priority mode then and often used a rapid fire, shotgun approach. I've slowed down since then and I now shoot almost exclusively in Manual Mode. In those two years I have tested and tried every button and dial on my camera. I take fewer photos and have come to enjoy the process of finding my images. I love the visual journal of our life that has been created.
Picture of the Day July 31, 2009
50mm | ISO 400 | f/2.8 | ss 1/80
What camera and lenses do I have in my bag? Which do I use most? Why?
I shoot with a Canon 30D, in my bag I have:
Canon 50mm f/1.4
I use my 50mm lens more than my others. I love the quality images I can create in low light situations and the ease of carrying it around. It is a safer lens for me to wear everywhere I go as my wide angle lens happens to be at the perfect height of a little boy who happens to like to hold my hand! I do get the 17-40mm out more for outdoor shots despite the risk involved!
36mm | ISO 400 | f/5.0 | ss 1/160
What is the strangest thing I've photographed?
I once took a picture of giant blister I got on my foot while training for a marathon with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Great cause, ugly photo. I won't make you look at it! I've also photographed my brother's post marathon toes, again, not a pretty picture.
150mm | ISO 500 | f/2.8 | ss 1/100
It is anywhere, but the bag! Right now it is on my bed upstairs where I just finished a photo shoot for a tutorial I'm writing. Typically it sits on the corner of my desk surrounded by the lenses I'm not using. I like knowing I can grab it and go with a moment's notice. I've left the house wearing my camera only to realize I left my purse behind.
200mm | ISO 100 | f/8.0 | ss 1/125
For almost all of my editing and organizing I use Lightroom 2
50mm | ISO 200 | f/2.8 | ss 1/200
I love sharing my knowledge! I love helping people take creative control of their cameras. I love seeing them capture images in a way they didn't think they could. Most importantly, I like making the journey to record our moments easier. I think, as moms, the moments feel like they are flying by so quickly. It is so important to know how to capture them.
I hope you've enjoyed my twist to this week's Behind The Lens.
You can still join me for Your Life:Captured Through The Lens. Registration closes Friday, May 28th at midnight EDT.
Have I helped you with a class, ebook, or tutorial? Would you like to be featured Behind The Lens? Send me an email at katrina at katrinakennedy dot com.
I loved this twist to Behind The Lens!
Loved this q and a with you Katrina!
I'm raising my hand as someone you have taught. I've also gone from someone who was afraid of my camera (eek all those buttons!) to someone completely unafraid of changing every single button and shooting completely on manual. I credit your class and your book (get me off auto) completely.
You rock..as a photographer, teacher, scrapper (and now I read you've run a marathon wowza!). Thanks for always inspiring!
Interesting twist & excellent photos :0)
So glad to hear more about your passion, Katrina. You're blog has inspired me (yet again) so I'm off to revisit your ebooks.
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